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Non-Profit Literacy Programs Serving Montreal's South Shore Communities

About Us
The South Shore Literacy Council is a non-profit organization dedicated to offering free literacy programming. We offer literacy tutoring for adults,
a Care-Share Program for adults with developmental delays, the Mother Goose Pre-Literacy Music Program for parents and their infant children
ages 0-4) and inclusive senior programming.
We are committed to life-long learning. We are committed to improving the quality of life through transmitting basic literacy skills.
We are committed to building community through individual interactions and committed volunteerism.
Watch our video:

Our Partners
Thank you to the following organizations for generously
providing space & ongoing resources for our programs.
The Greenfield Park Baptist Church
Maison de la Famille de Brossard
Richelieu Valley Community Learning Center
Seaway Community Learning Center
St. Mary's Parish, Greenfield Park
Contact Us

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